Intro Critique Rewrite Postmortem

ENG 3300
Fall 2014
Intro Critique Rewrite Postmortem


  1. Most of my changes went into the content of my response. I completely refocused my response and used a new outside source. I altered the detailed summary to be more detailed and to include more content using fewer words. The structure changed to include separate paragraphs where appropriate. The voice, however, remained the same. I changed my top left information header to be single-spaced. I also corrected a few minor spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors.
  2. There was significant overlap between your evaluation and my own editing. Aside from the format and grammar errors not much was there that I had not noticed myself.
  3. The sample critiques helped me to get an idea of what was expected from in this assignment. The samples also served as examples of space management. In the original assignment I found it difficult to decide where to use my words, because we had a one-page limit for the assignment.
  4. After I had finished the assignment I read it twice to check for grammar errors and mistakes I might have overlooked while writing. I also reviewed your comments and corrections to make sure I had implemented them well. I took more time in the editing process compared to the first draft of this assignment.
  5. Next time I would like to read the essay/article of interest more carefully and get a better handle on it before I begin writing. A good understanding of essay would have helped me come up with a more developed and thought out response. I would give this advice to someone completing the assignment for the first time.

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